Sunday, December 28, 2008

Friday Fun

On Friday afternoons, Mr. Hardy and I take turns having all the kids.  Sometimes we play games, do art projects, or do curriculum related videos.  It gives one of us time to plan for the next week and the kids learn to work together.  Here are some pictures of them working together.


Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Week 17

We are enjoying a week off from the reading series.  We are using this time to reread, review vocabulary, and practice sight words.  I am doing some last minute screening since report cards will come out January 7.

We will finish Book 1 in our math series this week.  That makes us on schedule.  We will start Book 2 when we return from vacation.

Spelling is still going fairly slowly.  I think the homework pattern may change when we return from vacation.  They just don't take practice at school very seriously.  Maybe if you oversee more of it at home in a one-on-one situation it will improve.  

Thanks for you help and support.


Thursday, December 11, 2008

Week 16

I guess I'm getting like the kids. . .I started vacation. . .or at least forgot to update for this week.  We are reading a fantasy story called "On the Way to the Pond"  The sound we are working on is the /er/ sound made by er, ir, and ur.   The new vocabulary is:

I'm a little bothered that there are 5 new words that start with the letter 'f'.  It sure doesn't help the kids discriminate.

In math we are closing out our book for the first semester.  We will finish mid next week.  Most of this week is working on math facts.  The kids continue to take a math facts tests on the computer every day.  Some are progressing quite well.  Some are having social time at the computer.

I forgot to send a note, but TOMORROW IS MONSTER SANDWICH DAY!  Your child will not need a lunch.

We will be taking next week off from the reading series.  We will spend some time enjoying  good Christmas literature and doing fun projects that go with the season.

We will have our Christmas Party on Friday, Dec. 19, starting at about 12:10.  This gives us time after the last recess to get cleaned up and ready to start the new year in great shape.  I am planning a game and am making Christmas tree shaped cupcakes for the kids to decorate.  I need other food items. . . candy, cookies, carrots, celery, ranch, etc.  Any ideas???  Also something to drink.  I also need paper goods, preferably seasonal.  If you are willing to send any of this please call me.  

I hope you all have a great holiday! Be safe, if you are traveling. You are carrying some great cargo!  I am looking forward to staying home this year, even though it means that Rick and I will be alone.  The kids are too far away and job constraints (which we are eternally grateful for) will not allow us to be together.  At least I get a Christmas tree!!!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Week 15

Thanks much to all of you for sending the items we needed for the Feast.  It was a huge success.  I intended to put this in the section with the Feast but I did something wrong and it doesn't want to let me do that.  Sometimes this technology stuff is just too much!!!  Especially when it doesn't cooperate.  The kids had a great time and looked darling.  They enjoyed cooking, especially shaking butter.  To see pictures check out the blog.  A special thanks to the moms and dads that came to help.

This week we are reading a biography called "Tomas Rivera".  Once again there are quite a few vocabulary words.  They are:

In math we are working on place value and greater than, less than, and equal to.  Math fact are always being practiced.  

This is week 7 of spelling so your child should be ready to pass list 7 this week.  If your child is not on List 7, he/she will be spending some recess time practicing the list they are on.  We try to give tests 3-4 times per week.

On Thursday we will be watching the practice of the second grade music program.  That should get us in the Christmas spirit.

As you probably know, we lost one of our school mates this week.  Some of the children know more about it than others.  I have chosen to leave this information to you to disseminate.  I will answer direct questions if asked but I feel it is your right to handle this in the manner you choose.  From what we have observed, most of the children really do not understand the finality of death.  Maybe it is one of the blessings of a child's mind.

Thanks for your continued support.

Tharon Sass