Sunday, February 26, 2012

Week 25

This week we are reading a non fiction story called "On the Job with Dr. Martha Smith." This story is written in the interview style to gain information about her job at an animal shelter. The phonics focus this week is /ou/(what you would say if I pinched you) made by the letter ou and ow. The new vocabulary words are:
  • any
  • Dr.
  • busy
  • care
  • eight
  • took

We will continue with measurement this week.  We will be comparing weights, capacities, temperatures, and areas.  Timed tests will continue to build automaticity in math facts.

Everyone should be on List 17 in spelling for this week.  If you have a computer at home your child can take tests at home.  I only ask that you monitor so that your child is doing the work without outside help.  Your child knows his/her username and password. I can check the time of day that each test is taken, how many attempts, how many practice games, and words missed. If I suspect that I am not being treated honestly I will not count any tests taken at home.  By not doing their own work it is the child that is losing.  

Friday is Dr. Seuss' birthday.  We will be doing activities surrounding him this week.

I think many are not checking the blog.  Please do that.  Important information will come out on here.  We will do shirts again on Friday.  This is my test to see who is watching!!!

Have a great week.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Week 24

This week we are reading a science fiction story called "My Robot". It is by Eve Bunting. The phonics lesson is c sounding like s as in cent. The new vocabulary words are:

  • almost
  • always
  • does
  • even
  • once
  • pretty
  • say
  • sound

In math, we will be finishing up number patterns and starting measurement.  Skip counting is a part of number patterns.  There are still a few who are struggling with counting by 2's and 5's.  Also another thing I have noticed is that 2 or 3 substitute 12 for 20, 13 for 30, etc.  I am not sure why this is happening but it is the second year that it has shown up.

We will be finishing up our Presidents' Day activities and doing some experiments to show what some of the things we drink do to our teeth.

Spelling is moving along.  Your child should be on List 16 this week.  If you have a computer at home your child can take tests at home.  I only ask that you monitor so that your child is doing the work without outside help.  Your child knows his/her username and password. I can check the time of day that each test is taken, how many attempts, how many practice games, and words missed. If I suspect that I am not being treated honestly I will not count any tests taken at home.  

Remember. . .Thursday is AR Day.  Your child must have his/her shirt on to eat in the room.  Those without shirts need to have passed 3 tests in one week.  The testing week runs from Thursday to the next Wednesday.

LET'S DO CLASS T-SHIRTS ON FRIDAY.  It will be Monster Sandwich Day.  No need to send lunch that day.  They have really done well and earned it again very quickly.

Have a great week.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Already At Work

This is how my classroom looks most mornings before school even starts.  Many choose to come in and go to work.

Lots of AR testing gets done at this time of day.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Week 23

This week's story is a fiction story called "Tell Me a Story." It is about a little girl who likes to listen to her Abuelita (grandma) tell her stories of times gone by. The phonics sound is long i as in the word time. The new vocabulary is:

We will continue to work on number patterns on the hundreds chart in math and taking timed tests to build automaticity for math facts.  \

The kids decided that Valentines Day was a special day so we should wear our class shirts.  They are so funny about them. I love the fact that they figure out when they want to do this.

I have everything I need for the party.  If your child would like to bring something to share let them do that.

My printer is having a hiccup so I hope all of this makes it out.  I am going to make this short incase I am doing this for nothing!!!

Have a great week!

Thursday, February 9, 2012


I know I told someone that I would send home extra crayons to make those melted heart crayons from Pinterest.  I just can't remember who.  If it was you, let me know.  Our junk box is overflowing.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Another shirt went out the door!!

Way to go, Derek!!!  This is pretty special because I also taught Derek's mom.  Yep!  Time to retire before the grandkids show up!  (Just in case I can't fix this you might get a picture of the dessert for tomorrow)  Sorry I'm not too savvy! I am going to bring dessert for those that get to eat in the room.

Still more AR Stars

These kids are just amazing.  The reading energy is awesome.  Hope my bank account holds out!!  The reading fluency gains are truly wonderful.  Good work Beau, Shaylee, Treyson, Mollie, and Kandalyn!!!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Week 22

This week's story is a non fiction one called "At Home Around the World." The phonics emphasis will be on y making the long e sound as at the end of the word bunny. We will also review the long vowel sounds we have had so far. The reading level of this story is much higher than the one we had last week. The vocabulary words are:

We will continue with number patterns this week.  We will be doing skip counting by 2's, 5's, and 10's and looking at the patterns they make on the hundreds chart.  We will continue timed tests to practice automaticity of the number facts. 

Spelling continues to be a struggle.  This is such a bright group of kids that I'm puzzled by the slowness.  Your child should pass List 14 by the end of next week.  We will continue to work on it.  

AR is going beautifully.  More and more kids are getting the bug and starting to read.  The difference it makes in fluency is amazing.  I am watching halting readers become fluent readers all the time.  I am so pleased. 

The valentine party will be Feb 14 at 12:10.  I will need un-iced heart shaped cookies, pink frosting, ice cream cups, squirt whipped cream, and a pink/red drink.  We will also need paper plates, cups, and napkins.  If you would like to provide any of these things send me a note or an email.  There are 23 kids in the room.  I have tons of sprinkles so we will attempt to use those up.

I am including the valentine list here.  I would like your child to address the cards him/herself.  This is good writing practice. If they do a few a night I shouldn't be a huge chore. I will send home a hard copy of this.  It will be small so watch for it.  (I find lots of notes in desks that never make it home) The children are:

Kimball             Ethan              Kandalyn             Derek               Noah

Torren              Jacob               Bailee                  Beau                 Mollie

Jaelynn             Ellianna            Kinsi                   Allyson             Makenzie

Ricky                Raelie               Charlie               Tucker              Skyler

Shaylee            Siearra              Treyson

I'd like for the cards to come in on Monday if possible.  That will give us a day to get them all passed out.  

Remember that Friday is an Early Release Day.

Have a great week.

Busy AR Day

On Friday, Skyler and Tucker earned DQ cards for passing 100 tests and Charlie earned his shirt for 50.  

Finally, Shaylee!!!

Shaylee earned her shirt 2 weeks ago.  Due to a malfunctioning camera and a forgetful teacher, she isn't appearing until today.  Way to go, Shaylee.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Tucker Got Lost!!!

How did I lose track of this cute kid!!  And he worked so hard.  I am so sorry.