Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Week 13

This week we have another non-fiction story called "I Am a Butterfly".  This is a strange time of year to be doing butterflies.  We will read about them now but do a better study in the spring when we can hatch butterfly larvae in the room.  The vocabulary words are:

Math this week focuses on time.  We will be doing yearly timelines and time to the quarter hour.  Any help with the clock reading to the quarter hour would be great.  In the book they are calling it quarter-past and quarter-to.  I will also include the fifteen after and fifteen to.

Spelling seems to be going OK.  Your child should be on at least list 4 this week.  We have practice time at school but they don't seem to take it very seriously.  You might want to do a home check on spelling words. 

Notes about the Thanksgiving feast will be coming soon.  It is a great learning experience for the kids.

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