Math is still fractions and number grid puzzles. We are getting close to finishing our math book so we are doing lots of review.
I still have a few children without an AR shirt. I hope they can earn one before the end of the year.
You can tell that spring is in the air (even though the weather sometimes does not show it). We seem to not be working as much and manners and following directions are taking a back seat. I am hoping this is just a small bump in the very short road we have left. I am hoping to take them to the park the last week of school. Each child's ability to go will depend on classroom behavior. Each will have to earn the privilege of going.
Remember Friday is an early release. We will be prepping for the school carnival that will be at our school from 5:30-7:30 Friday evening. It is great fun for the kids. I hope to see you there. I will be in the food booth. Drop by and say hello.
AR lunch will be on Thursday as usual. If you do not have on your shirt you will not be allowed to eat in the room.
Have a great week.