Sunday, April 18, 2010

Week 32

Our story this week is "The Puddle." This fiction story has a mix of realistic and make-believe parts. The sound for the week is that -ge and -dge both make the /j/ sound. The vocabulary is:

Math will be dealing with fractions and place value.

We had a great trip to the Forest Service building to see the mural. The weather cooperated this year so we had a great walk. If you haven't seen the mural, you should stop by to see it. Many thanks to all the parents who accompanied us. . . Irene Tilford, Melissa McNeill, Shannon Latham, Dale Sloan, Mary Ann Adair, John Rhis, Brittany Puzas, and Kimberly Merrill. A special thanks to Irene Tilford for providing our snack.

Spelling is going well. Everyone is where they need to be. They have been very good at keep to at least one list per week.

AR continues to be a big thing. They are going to break me. I have several that are close to passing 150 tests. The class is four short of 1500 tests passed.

Have a great week.

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