Sunday, October 24, 2010

Week 11

This will be another busy week. I am looking forward to having a normal one. Guess that will happen next week.

This week's story is called "Where Do Frogs Come From?" It is a non fiction story about the life cycle of frogs. The kids really seem to enjoy non fictions stories. The new vocabulary words are:

Spelling will change this week. We will start individualized spelling. I expect each child to pass at least one test per week. Everyone will start on List 1. If the miss only 1 they can move on to the next list. Each child has a book of spelling lists in their desks to use for practice. Each parent who does not have internet access will receive a book of spelling words at conferences. Those who have internet access, the words are available on the blog. The link is on the side under spelling. Remember we are now linked on the website.

Questions of the Week
Monday - It is Canning Day. List some foods that come in cans.
Tuesday - List 5 words that rhyme with sing.
Wednesday - The first movie with sound was shown in 1927. What is your favorite movie?
Thursday - Teddy Roosevelt was a popular president. What toy was named after him?
Friday - Tell me the 3 stages in the life cycle of a frog.

Sight words and vocabulary words are a problem for some of the kids. Please try to review these at home. They are also available on the blog.

We are also spending time rereading for fluency. In December your child will take a DIBELS test. He/she will need to read 20 words per minute to make benchmark. This will not be an easy task for some. The test is all words, there are no pictures to give them visual clues.

In math this week we will be doing domino addition and thermometers. Domino addition is simply looking at the parts on each end of the domino and then adding to get the whole. Reading the temperature on the thermometer will require the use of our skill in counting by two's.

Thanks to those of you who came to conferences. I will be making up the ones that have had to reschedule on Tuesday afternoon. It is an early release day. Please remember that your child will leave school at 11:30.

Friday will be our Halloween Party. It will be from 12:10-1:00. We will use the rest of the afternoon to undecorate and clean desks, etc. Thanks to all the parents who are helping with this.

Have a great week!!

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