Monday, November 1, 2010

Week 12

Finally!!! A normal week of school. It seems like forever since we have had one.

This week's story is a realistic fiction piece called "Try Your Best." The phonics sound is /or/ made by the letters or and ore. The vocabulary words are:

Questions of the Week:
Monday - Tell me 5 things to do with your pumpkin.
Tuesday - List 5 things that make noise.
Wednesday - List 5 things that are quiet.
Thursday - List 5 words that rhyme with more.
Friday - Use the work right in a sentence.

The new material in math will deal with measurement. We will be measuring using nonstandard units, feet, and inches. Please continue to work with money at home.

I have purchased a spelling program that will allow the students to take their spelling tests on the computer. This program tracks their scores and lets me see what words they have missed. You child will be allowed to take one test per day. I will be checking to see if they are using their words correctly when they write. If they consistently misspell a word from their spelling list, I will send them back to that list to start over. The purpose of spelling is to learn words to use correctly, not to have taken the most spelling tests.

I am very concerned about vocabulary and fluency. Many are having trouble learning the words. I have set up lists on the computer that they will be practicing daily. Any extra time you could give to this at home would be helpful.

We will be studying changes over time. I have a bag that has a few things in it to study changes. We will be looking at the moon. I did the first page so you can see what to do. Each night a different child will be allowed to take the bag home to do the recording. Please read the first page which explains the assignment, then record, and then return the bag to school the next day so another child can have a turn.

Friday will be Monster Sandwich Day. I will provide lunch that day. Your child does not need to bring anything. We will have sandwiches, veggies, chips, milk, and a dessert. We eat in the room. It is an activity that my students have enjoyed for years. This will become a behavior reward that can be repeated throughout the year.

The Halloween Party was a huge success. We still have lots of candy. I decided to use some of it as a treat now and then. We had sooooo much. I figure a little treat will taste better every once in a while than having so much on Friday. Thanks to all of you who helped with the party fun.

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