Sunday, March 6, 2011

Week 27

This week we are reading "Little Bear's Friend." It is a fantasy story where animals talk and take on human qualities. The sound for the week is the long i sound made by the letter y at the end of a word as in why. The new vocabulary words are:

Questions of the Week:
Monday - Today is Save Your Vision Day. List things you can do to have healthy eyes.
Tuesday - "Remember the Alamo." Where is this famous fort? Name someone who fought there?
Wednesday - Happy birthday, cornflakes, 1897. What is your favorite cereal?
Thursday - Alexander Graham Bell's first phone message, 1876. List some good phone manners. Do you know your phone number?
Friday - List 4 words where the y is making the long i sound.

In math we will be doing attributes, pattern blocks, and polygons.

This will be a crazy week with two early release days on Wednesday and Friday. I have scheduled conferences on both days. If you have forgotten your conference time please call me.

Congratulations to Felicity for earning a zipper pull. Trevor earned his shirt, Taelynn and Caden earned watches, and Jessica got a Sonic card. I am so pleased with everyone's enthusiasm and reading growth.

Have a great week.

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