Sunday, March 8, 2009

Week 27

I'm sorry to put a personal spin on this weeks post, but my mom died on Saturday. She has been in poor health and mind (Altzheimer's stinks) for quite a while. I moved her here from Kansas at the end of September. It was time for her to go but sometimes it is hard to get your head and your heart on the same page. I am struggling with that right now. I will not be in on at least Monday. We will see what Tuesday brings.

This week's story is a non fiction story called "Busy Buzzy Bee". The sound focus is long o made by o-e, The new vocabulary words are:

Math this week will be focusing on fractions and the number grid. Time and money are a daily review.

Remember that this Friday is our first grade music program. It will be at 1:30 in the cafeteria. I hope you all can make it to see your cute little 'cowboy' kids'.

Sorry this is short but it is all I can do right now.

1 comment:

RV U's said...

Tharon, I had Rita afterschool and saw this go home.
I found out after the game and have been thinking of you ever since. Please know how much we care about you and pray for you at this time.