Friday, January 1, 2010

Week 18

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! I hope 2010 brings everything that will make you happy.

It is time to go back to school and get back into our routine. I hope we can all adjust to a schedule again.

Our story this week is "Friends Forever." It is a non-fiction story. The phonics sound for the week is "le" as in the word middle. The new vocabulary words are:

Questions of the Week
Monday - What was your favorite Christmas gift?
Tuesday - First roller skates, 1884. Is roller skating good exercise? Why?
Wednesday - It is Flower Day. What is your mom's favorite flower?
Thursday - Use the word 'together' in a sentence.
Friday - Write 3 words that have 'le' at the end.

The new skill for this week in math is place value. We will start with tens and ones, and then add hundreds to the mix. We will continue to work on math fact and getting them to automaticity.

Most are doing really well in spelling. Please continue to practice at home. We spend time daily practicing at school.

I am anxiously awaiting giving out my first AR shirt. I have a couple kids that are pretty close. I hope that can happen in the next few weeks.

Thanks again for all the help and support you give me and our class.

Have a great week.

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