Questions of the Week:
Monday - What did you do on your snow day?
Tuesday - List 5 words that rhyme with lake.
Wednesday - Use the word special in a sentence.
Thursday - Tomorrow is Kansas Day. Who do you know that was born in Kansas? (correct answer. . .Mrs. Sass)
Friday - Monday will start a new month. What one is it? How many days in it? Any special holidays in it?
Our hundred day celebration was stymied a little. The late start and the fact that I also had Mr. Hardy's kids, meant we didn't get to do all we had planned. We will do some of these things on Monday. Just a little late. My kids were excellent when I had 43 kids in the room. THAT IS A LOT!!!
In math we will be doing probability and turn around facts. We will also start taking timed tests on math facts. The first few are pretty easy. They will need to do 42 problems in 2 minutes. Hopefully we can get math facts to be automatic to facts of 10.
Hopefully the weather will cooperate with us and we can have a fairly normal week of school. But remember FRIDAY IS AN EARLY RELEASE DAY!!!
Have a good week!
just wanted to make sure you knew we had donated tax credit money to go to your class! We are always so glad you are our daughter's teacher!
Thanks, Melissa. That is so nice of you!!! Sorry this has taken so long. I just am not used to comments so I just found it.
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