Tuesday, September 28, 2010


We did a group Field Trip note. I changed the date but didn't change the day of the week. The trip is next WEDNESDAY, Oct. 6. Sorry.

Also if you are having trouble getting on the blog, there is now a link for it on the district website. You can go to www.elks.net, go to schools at the top of the page, select the primary school, then scroll to the bottom of the page and you will see it. Hope this helps those of you having trouble.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Week 7

There is lots of news in this post. Please read it carefully.

We have finished our first reading book. The new book is called "Catch a Dream." This week we are reading "Dan's Pet." It is a story about a little boy who gets a pet chick. the phonics focus this week is short e as in hen. The vocabulary words are:

Spelling words are:

Questions of the week?
Monday - It is the birthday of the White House. Who lives there? Where is it?
Tuesday - It is Family History Month. Tell me something you like to do with your family.
Wednesday - List as many vegetables as you can. How many did you think of?
Thursday - List as many fruits as you can. Which one is your favorite?
Friday - It is Elbows Off the Table Day. Tell me two more things that show good table manners.

The new concepts in math will be odd and even numbers and adding and subtracting on the number line. Counting combinations of coins using nickels and pennies was covered while I was gone. Many children are struggling with this. Please take a few minutes each night to put out a nickel and a few pennies to see if your child can count this money correctly. I will work on this at school also but the only time I have is during recess. That does not make many children happy!!!

We will be going on a field trip to Greer on October 6. Please watch for a permission slip. It will explain everything. Please read it carefully.

Wednesday night is "Reading Under the Stars." Please join us here from 6:00-7:00. You may want to bring a flashlight and a blanket to sit on.

Copy paper is a giant problem in this budget crunch. We are using lots of Composition books for activities which saves some but we are going to try to save more. Please have your child bring a composition book for spelling and word work. I asked for them at the beginning an then, I bought them, so many of you should have one still at home. Please have one at school by Friday. That is spelling test day.

Thank you for being patient with me during my absence. The wedding was beautiful!! It was so nice to be with family and friends.

The class has gotten very talkative. I am really cracking down on the noise. We have been moving names lots. Don't be totally surprised if your child has to call home or comes home to tell you they have spent time in 'time out'. In order to function productively we must learn to work quietly.

We will be starting the computer this week. We will be using the Math Facts in a Flash program, which is just taking timed test on math problems. We also have read the first story that has an AR test with it. Everyone will be taking that this week also. A few students are ready to start on AR independently. They will begin that this week also.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Week 6 Sept 20-24

Be sure you are on the right week's blog. I am having to post 3 blogs so that I can leave the printed page for the substitute. Just look at the date after the week. Sorry about that. Click on Older Post at the bottom to keep going back.

This week's story is "All That Corn". We will be learning the short o sound of the letter a as in ball. It is a non fiction story that traces corn from the farm field to your home.

Vocabulary words are:





Spelling words are:











Questions of the week: Answer these on the lines for that day in the agenda.

*Monday - Tell me 5 words that rhyme with ball.

*Tuesday - It is the first day of fall. List 5 words that describe fall.

*Wednesday - Use the word where in a sentence.

*Thursday - What color is your house? Does is have an upstairs?

*Friday - What did you do on your afternoon off?

Please answer in complete sentences. Remember to use capitals and periods.

In math we will be doing patterns, odd & even, and skip counting. We should have counting by two’s mastered by now.

Have a great week.

Week 5 Sept 13-17

Be sure you are on the right week. I am having to do 3 blog posts before I leave so I can leave the printed copy with the substitute. I have put dates by the weekly header to help. Click on Older Post at the bottom to take you back to the one you need.

The story this week is called "Todd's Box". The new sound is short o. We will be reviewing short a and i also. We will continue to blend new words that are easily decodable. The new vocabulary words are:




Spelling for this week is:













Questions of the week:

Monday - It is Hot Air Balloon Day. Would you like to ride in a hot air balloon. What color would you like it to be.

Tuesday - It is National Breakfast Month. What do you like best for breakfast?

Wednesday - It is the birthday of the U.S. Post Office. What do they do for us?

Thursday - Who is your favorite Muppet?

Friday - List 5 words that rhyme with dot.

Please have your child answer the questions. You may help with spelling, punctuation, and capitalization. If your child doesn't know an answer, then help your child with the answer. This is especially true of the rhyming questions. Rhyming is one of the most basic of Phonemic Awareness skills. You might watch these questions to see if your child understands rhyming.

In math, we will be starting money. We will be getting both pennies and nickels and counting combinations of those coins. Money and time are the two hardest concepts we get. Please help at home. Please help your child understand that a nickel and a penny don’t have the same value.

If your child has shoes that tie, please practice at home. I can't keep up with all the untied laces. They are too dangerous when not tied.

Have a great week. I will be back on Sept. 21.

Week 4 Sept. 7-10

This week's story is a fantasy story called "Jack and Rick." It is about a bear and a rabbit that want to play together but are on opposite sides of the stream. By working together they solve their problem. We will be working on the digraph ck. The vocabulary for this week is:

Spelling words are:

Questions for the Week
Monday - Holiday
Tuesday - It's football season. What is your favorite team?
Wednesday - It's Flags Across America Day. Where can you see flags?
Thursday - Tell me 5 words that rhyme with pick.
Friday - It's National Rice Month. How do you like rice?

In math this week the big new concept is telling time to the hour. You might check at home to see if your child can do this. We are also counting to 20 by 2's, to 50 by 5's and by 1's. Some are still struggling with this. Your child should be able to do tally marks up to 20 by now. Do a quick check at home. If not, practice some.

Agendas need to be in school every day. Please have your child answer the question on the lines allotted for the day. Sign in the yellow box when your child has read to you. If this isn't done at home, we will do it during recess time at school.

Remember I will be gone next week. Mrs. Beal will be the substitute. In case you haven't heard I am off for my daughter's wedding in Columbus OH. It will be an exciting time for all of us. I am FINALLY going to become a Mother In Law!!! Thanks for your patience with this. . .not the best timing, but it isn't my wedding. I will return to class on Tuesday, Sept. 21.

Have a great week.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010