Monday, September 6, 2010

Week 4 Sept. 7-10

This week's story is a fantasy story called "Jack and Rick." It is about a bear and a rabbit that want to play together but are on opposite sides of the stream. By working together they solve their problem. We will be working on the digraph ck. The vocabulary for this week is:

Spelling words are:

Questions for the Week
Monday - Holiday
Tuesday - It's football season. What is your favorite team?
Wednesday - It's Flags Across America Day. Where can you see flags?
Thursday - Tell me 5 words that rhyme with pick.
Friday - It's National Rice Month. How do you like rice?

In math this week the big new concept is telling time to the hour. You might check at home to see if your child can do this. We are also counting to 20 by 2's, to 50 by 5's and by 1's. Some are still struggling with this. Your child should be able to do tally marks up to 20 by now. Do a quick check at home. If not, practice some.

Agendas need to be in school every day. Please have your child answer the question on the lines allotted for the day. Sign in the yellow box when your child has read to you. If this isn't done at home, we will do it during recess time at school.

Remember I will be gone next week. Mrs. Beal will be the substitute. In case you haven't heard I am off for my daughter's wedding in Columbus OH. It will be an exciting time for all of us. I am FINALLY going to become a Mother In Law!!! Thanks for your patience with this. . .not the best timing, but it isn't my wedding. I will return to class on Tuesday, Sept. 21.

Have a great week.

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