Monday, September 6, 2010

Week 5 Sept 13-17

Be sure you are on the right week. I am having to do 3 blog posts before I leave so I can leave the printed copy with the substitute. I have put dates by the weekly header to help. Click on Older Post at the bottom to take you back to the one you need.

The story this week is called "Todd's Box". The new sound is short o. We will be reviewing short a and i also. We will continue to blend new words that are easily decodable. The new vocabulary words are:




Spelling for this week is:













Questions of the week:

Monday - It is Hot Air Balloon Day. Would you like to ride in a hot air balloon. What color would you like it to be.

Tuesday - It is National Breakfast Month. What do you like best for breakfast?

Wednesday - It is the birthday of the U.S. Post Office. What do they do for us?

Thursday - Who is your favorite Muppet?

Friday - List 5 words that rhyme with dot.

Please have your child answer the questions. You may help with spelling, punctuation, and capitalization. If your child doesn't know an answer, then help your child with the answer. This is especially true of the rhyming questions. Rhyming is one of the most basic of Phonemic Awareness skills. You might watch these questions to see if your child understands rhyming.

In math, we will be starting money. We will be getting both pennies and nickels and counting combinations of those coins. Money and time are the two hardest concepts we get. Please help at home. Please help your child understand that a nickel and a penny don’t have the same value.

If your child has shoes that tie, please practice at home. I can't keep up with all the untied laces. They are too dangerous when not tied.

Have a great week. I will be back on Sept. 21.

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