Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Week 33

Our story this week is a selection called "The New Bed" from a book called "Poppleton Everyday". It is a fiction story that shows the humor used in many fiction selections. The phonics lesson for the week is to review the long sound of /u/. Long u is the sound you find in either cute or tube. This weeks vocabulary is:

Math is still fractions and number grid puzzles. We have very little left in our math book so we are doing lots of review.

There are a few children who are very close to earning an AR shirt. I hope they stick with their schedule to do it.

You an tell that spring is in the air (even though it is usually hidden by clouds, cold, and wind). We seem to not be working as much and manners and following directions are taking a back seat. I am hoping this is just a small bump in the very short road we have left. I am hoping to take them to the park the last week of school. This will depend on the behavior of the class. We had a visit about it yesterday. They will have to earn the privilege of going.

Remember that this Friday is also an early release.

Thursday is AR lunch day. Please wear your shirt and have lunch in the room.

Have a great week!

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