Sunday, February 26, 2012

Week 25

This week we are reading a non fiction story called "On the Job with Dr. Martha Smith." This story is written in the interview style to gain information about her job at an animal shelter. The phonics focus this week is /ou/(what you would say if I pinched you) made by the letter ou and ow. The new vocabulary words are:
  • any
  • Dr.
  • busy
  • care
  • eight
  • took

We will continue with measurement this week.  We will be comparing weights, capacities, temperatures, and areas.  Timed tests will continue to build automaticity in math facts.

Everyone should be on List 17 in spelling for this week.  If you have a computer at home your child can take tests at home.  I only ask that you monitor so that your child is doing the work without outside help.  Your child knows his/her username and password. I can check the time of day that each test is taken, how many attempts, how many practice games, and words missed. If I suspect that I am not being treated honestly I will not count any tests taken at home.  By not doing their own work it is the child that is losing.  

Friday is Dr. Seuss' birthday.  We will be doing activities surrounding him this week.

I think many are not checking the blog.  Please do that.  Important information will come out on here.  We will do shirts again on Friday.  This is my test to see who is watching!!!

Have a great week.

1 comment:

Josh and Amber Wilkins said...

Hi! Do you want them to only try to do a spelling test once a day. Cause I know when Tucker doesn't pass a test he wants to study the words he missed and take it again right away.